Basketball (Girls Freshman) Basketball (Girls JV) Bishop Luers High School Basketball (Girls V)
Future Lady Knight Basketball Spring 2025
By Michelle North | Jan 30, 2025 12:37 PM

Who: Feeder School girls currently in 5th-8th grade for the 2024-2025 school year. What: Future Knights is for feeder school girls who are interested in playing basketball in the spring. Girls are given the opportunity to meet and play with their future classmates at Bishop Luers, while working on their fundamentals. When: Sunday, February 16th Time: 4:00-5:15pm - 5th and 6th Grades 5:30-7pm - 7th and 8th Grades Where: Bishop Luers High School Gymnasium, 333 E. Paulding Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816 Cost: $125.00 per player which includes: reversible jersey, court/practice time, 3 tournament entry fees. Registration: PREFERRED Registration and payment made through Eventlink using this link - May also register using this link and pay in person with cash or check made payable to Bishop Luers Girls Basketball (Future Lady Knights in the memo) Questions: Contact Coach Mary Hathaway at