Tennis (Boys Varsity-JV) Golf (Boys V-JV) Soccer (Boys V) Basketball (Boys JV) Swim & Dive (Boys - Varsity) Football (JV) Tennis (Girls Varsity - JV) Track (Boys) Basketball (Girls JV) Wrestling (Boys V) Golf (Girls - Varsity-JV) Softball (Varsity) Football (Freshman) Volleyball (Girls-9) Volleyball (Girls JV) Cross Country (Boys - V-JV) Bishop Luers High School Soccer (Girls V) Football (Var) Baseball (Varsity) Basketball (Boys Freshman) Volleyball (Girls-V) Soccer (Boys JV) Baseball - (JV) Basketball (Girls V) Basketball (Boys V)


By Michelle North | Jun 28, 2023 3:08 PM


As fall approaches, the football field is being groomed and lines drawn on Luersfield in preparation for “Friday Night Lights”; purchases are being made for all athletic teams to kick off their seasons and athletes are working hard during summer conditioning to help them prepare for success on and off the fields/courts. In support of our athletic programs, the Athletic Department is looking for friends of Bishop Luers High School who are interested in advertising through the Luersfield Signage Program and/or in our Media Guide. If you would like to advertise with us or if you know of anyone who would like to order a sign or place an ad in the Media Guide, please pass this information along to them. The success of all our programs is earned through the hard work of our players and coaches but is also enjoyed by thousands of fans in person and through some livestreaming capabilities - basketball and volleyball have recently been added. With a state record of 16 football State Championship game appearances and second in all-time State Championship victories with 11, you can see we have enjoyed tremendous success with our football program. The generous support of companies and individuals such as yourself has been a key element to the past success and will help to maintain our level of excellence for all programs. If you have contributed by advertising with us in the past, we thank you very much and would like to offer you this opportunity again. If you have never advertised at Luersfield, we invite you to join the tradition. NEW LOWERED PRICING STARTING IN 2023-24: • $700 NEW Luersfield Signage Sponsorship (initial year) w/ $500 annual renewal • $500 Media Guide – Full Page Ad plus webpage • $250 Media Guide – Half Page Ad plus webpage • $125 Media Guide - - Quarter Ad plus webpage • $50 Media Guide – Business Card Ad plus webpage Your signage sponsorship involves your name and logo on a professionally 5'x3' manufactured sign placed on the track fence. With your sponsorship, you will also be recognized in the Media Guide that is handed out at each football and basketball game along with a digital copy on the athletic webpage, name and logo placed on the athletic webpage for the entire 2023-24 school year and recognized by public address announcement during the game. Please use the attached document for specific sizing specs and to make your selection. You may also purchase advertising on the Athletic webpage at Eventlink. Every contribution helps! It is difficult to put an exact number on the kids, parents and visitors who will see your sign, but it will be significant. The evidence of your sponsorship will be on display throughout the year. On behalf of Bishop Luers High School and the Athletic Department, we’d like to thank you for supporting our school and athletic programs. We are a 501(c)3 Not for Profit organization, so your contribution is tax deductible, and you will receive a letter confirming this status. If you have any questions, please contact us at 260-456-1261 x3031. We thank you for your consideration. Kevin Mann Michelle North Athletic Director Athletics Administrative Assistant